Friday, October 9, 2009

Space Pilots And Learning Something New

So heres another attempt of watercolor painting I did a few months back. (With plenty of coaching from my friend Will Terrell. Thanks Will!). I've really have been trying hard to start doing full-on painting without using inks and, at first, it was really really hard. It's so much different than anything I'm used to. Even when I was back at Harrison Arts School, I mostly worked in graphite. But the more and more time I seem to practice, like with anything else in life, it starts to make more sense. It gets easier to spot my errors and find ways to correct them.

Learning anything new can seem impossible at first. But having someone around who has experience in whatever your weakness is can prove to be a huge asset. Surrounding yourself with people who are much better or skilled can be uncomfortable or daunting, but it can reap huge benefits when you both find you have something to teach each other. If I hadn't kept pestering Will for painting advice, I'm sure this would have been my last attempt at watercolor painting and it wouldn't have turned out half as good as it is now. It was frustrating, but very worthwhile to learn. And I'm still learning...

So at least now I have plenty of watercolor sketches to share with you folks over the upcoming weeks. As always, more to come....

Better get back to the drawing board.
Later Folks!


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